Woodenergy OÜ has been registered on 18.08.2020. The status of the company is deleted (19/12/2024).
The net sales for 2021 were 153 396 euros. The net sales of Woodenergy OÜ have stayed the same compared to 2020. The profit margin for 2021 is 5,18 %. It has stayed the same compared to 2020.
The company's activity is wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products.
The net sales for 2021 were 153 396 euros. The net sales of Woodenergy OÜ have stayed the same compared to 2020. The profit margin for 2021 is 5,18 %. It has stayed the same compared to 2020.
The company's activity is wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products.
Plus package
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Annual Report
Original PDF Annual Reports from Commercial Register (in Estonian).